Monday 25 July 2011

Seeing that people try, even when unpublished, makes my heart warmer. just that much more. thank you sherman and jp, you guys make my day.

Hi guys. You know what? Everybody needs a boost every now and then. So I hope that you remember that when you read this today that God is deeply in love with you. He knows you hurt, he knows your pain. And he has known it from the inside out. God wants to love you in the way that you will take it best. But that too is so dependent on how much you want to open yourself up to him. Opening up to God isn't easy and most people find it tough. But be assured that God knows to hold your hand and catch you when you fall. He knows you best even when you think the world knows you not at all. God loves you a lot. And today he wants to know that Jesus loves you too. He loves you, they love you, we all love you. And for no matter what you are going through today, there is an honest and great love around you. Close your eyes, open your heart, and let it seep right through. Today dear friend, know, love and realise. God loves you.

have a good day today. yeah?(:
god bless. always.